Friday, August 20, 2010

monday (which was never good anyway)...

I can't believe it's already Monday. (Do I say this every Monday?)

On my urgent list of to-do's: grocery shopping, house cleaning, clothes washing, and (the newest addition...) homework. But since I'm eating the last two Pop-Tarts for dinner while my clothes from today lay on the floor in a breadcrumb-like path to the shower, I think it's safe to say that on this Monday evening, procrastination wins.

Life has been crazy the last week and a half. Chaos is probably a more appropriate word. chaos. hullabaloo. maelstrom. (Can you tell I consulted the thesaurus?) Now that classes are back in full swing, the thesaurus and many, many other books are soon to be my BFFs for the next 15 weeks. I always get excited at the beginning of a new semester (shopping for school supplies and knowing my books will teach me words like maelstrom on a regular basis), but the start of this one has caught me off guard, and the sparkle of newness is already losing its luster.

For one thing, it's hot.

I know, I know, it's August in Georgia... what do I expect? By March, I'm sure I'll have forgotten this steamy, sweltering sort of miserable hot that takes your breath and makes you sweat at 8:00 a.m. as you walk from your house to your car (a total of what, 10 steps?). Even the rain doesn't cool it down, just makes it stickier. But for now, I endure and shamelessly blame the weather and my irritability with it for most of the mishaps that occur at this point in my life: unpredictable curly hair, lack of motivation to exercise, and one humiliating episode at the bookstore that may or may not have involved me unintentionally breaking in line in front of about 30 other students waiting patiently to check out.

For another thing, it's Monday.

And it feels like a Monday.

A very hot Monday.

And so with my buttered blueberry Pop-Tarts and The Scarlet Letter in hand, I sulk in Monday-ness and say: "Bring it on, Tuesday." (I just might get a little sideways.)

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