Thursday, August 19, 2010

back to the drawing board

Blog attempt number one, may you rest in peace.

For all your good intentions, you just didn't quite make the cut, and so you have been deleted. Please don't fret, blog attempt number two has stepped in--not to commemorate (or imitate, for that matter) your failure, but to meet and far exceed your potential in the blogging world.

And so, we begin again.

This is us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure I do not have to go into detail about how HAPPY it makes me to see you are blogging again. But just in makes me REAL REAL REEEEEAAALLLL HAPPY!!! Love the blog (seriously, you are amazing) and love you!!!! Um, can I see your face soon? I work at WW so I know about withdrawls...and Kimberly withdrawls can be deadly.
